Do you want to support affordable housing on Bowen?
Support BIRCH at Monday’s council meeting!
BIRCH (Bowen Island Resilient Community Housing),  a non-profit society, established to develop and manage affordable housing for Bowen Island. We have applied for a collaborative project with the municipality to build affordable rental housing on lot 3 of the community lands.  For more details about the proposal, see our website project page.
We are pleased and encouraged to have been accepted to present to council at their regular council meeting, Monday April 23rd at 9.30am.
We feel now is the right time for Bowen Island Municipality to partner with a non profit to have the best chance at accessing newly announced provincial funding of $1.9B for rental housing. We are confident BIRCH is the right partner for BIM, our board has extensive experience in affordable housing and our acting executive director has experience with construction projects of up to $15M.
How can you show your support?
  1. Write an email or letter, see a sample below
  2. Show up at the council meeting on Monday!
  3. Email or talk to the mayor or councillors individually



Please write to Mayor and Council, use this sample, and make it your own! Tell them your story of how housing has effected you.
Subject: I support BIRCH’s application for affordable housing
Dear Mayor and Councillors
I am writing in support of BIRCH’s application for a collaborative project to build affordable rental housing on lot 3 of the community lands.
Affordable Housing is a critical issue for Bowen Island. Both the Official Community Plan and the Island Plan 2018 support a diverse and resilient community. To achieve this we need diverse and affordable housing options.
I want a diverse and resilient Bowen Island for the future. I ask you to vote in favour of this project on Monday and support BIRCH in creating affordable housing for Bowen Island.