Hello Bowen Island, we need your help in the form of a letter or email to Bowen Island Municipal Council by June 22nd!
Bowen Island Resilient Community Housing (BIRCH) is applying for a Development Variance Permit for our community rental housing project located on Miller Road (next to the new Health Centre). We are seeking two variances: the first is a reduction of parking spaces from the required 24 to 10.
The second variance is an increase to building height from the zoned maximum of 9.0m to 13.29m.
Only with both of these variances will we be able to maximize our use of the property and provide the ~25 units of secure rental housing that we have been working towards these last few years.

We are asking the community to send letters of support. These variances are critical to the viability of our project and so we hope you’re able to make the time to show your support.
Our application will be introduced at the June 26th Council meeting, with a vote coming later in the summer at the July 24th meeting.
Please send your letters:
• by E-mail to mayorandcouncil@bimbc.ca;
• by dropping off in person;
• by mail to 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC, V0N1G2; or
• by fax to 604-947-0193
Thank you so very much for your support. We cannot do this without you.
David McCullum
Board Chair
Bowen Island Resilient Community Housing